brief reconnaissance was carried out in 1906 when the Karnafuli Hydropower
Station was first contemplated. A second study was carried out in 1923. In
1946, E. A. Moore recommended the proposed project at Barkal about 65
kilometers upstream of present dam site at Kaptai. In 1950, Marz Rendal Vatten
Consulting Engineers proposed a site at Chilardak, about 45 kilometers upstream
of Kaptai. In 1951, the government engineers proposed a site at Chitmoram which
is 11 kilometers downstream of the present site. Under the guidance of then
Chief Engineer (Irrigation) Khwaja Azimuddin, the construction site was chosen
at present location of the dam in 1951. The International Engineering Co. Inc.
(IECO) was engaged for a study on the project. Utah International Inc. was
selected as construction contractor. The construction of the dam started in